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How to Keep Your Wedding Dreams Alive During COVD-19

Cat Arnott 4th of July 2022

2020 has been a testing year for everyone. We've been in lockdown, stuck at home unable to see our loved ones, and many people, at least temporarily, have lost their jobs. One industry that has been hit hardest is the wedding industry. Thousands of couples worldwide have changed, postponed or given up their wedding dreams until social distancing measures are eased.

One couple that are still holding out are Nisha and Roshni, who have an August wedding planned. Recently, the government has announced legislation that allows weddings to go ahead with restrictions in place. So, there is still hope that their wedding may go ahead with some semblance of normality! We spoke to Sonal Dave, who was able to share Nisha and Roshni’s story of keeping wedding dreams alive during coronavirus. Here, they share how their wedding planning is going amidst all this uncertainty.

Evaluate Your Priorities

Understandably, Nisha and Roshni's biggest worry is whether or not their wedding will actually be able to take place! Their wedding date is late August, so they’re holding out hope. However, they are constantly aware they may have to rearrange. Their advice to other couples is to "remember that there is life beyond the wedding," and to re-evaluate what is important to you.

"For example, we loved our date and so waited longer than we wanted to marry in August 2020. Now that is unlikely to happen, we';re keen just to be married. We also want the celebration we imagined – with all the people and none of the worry. And if that means postponing for a year, rather than 6 months, that’s what we'll do."

So, you may decide that your loved ones being able to attend your wedding is more important than anything else. But, perhaps you don’t want to wait to be legally wed. So, you could consider having a small ceremony outside. This is now possible as long as you follow the restrictions. Also you could consider live-streaming your wedding for extended family and friends who can’t attend due to the 30 guest limit. On the other hand, you could have a sequel wedding. This involves holding a small legal ceremony followed by a belated celebration with all the people you love when it’s possible.

Stay Organised

Coronavirus or not, a key aspect of wedding planning is to stay organised. When asked what they rely on when planning, Nisha and Roshni said; “Spreadsheets! Writing it all down in a table or virtual document we both have access to has made life much easier.” In their spreadsheets, they include all the vital information they need to keep their wedding planning on track. For example, their quotes, supplier details, contracts, timetables and RSVPs.

Budget What Matters

If you're just starting your wedding planning now, you're likely thinking about the 2021 or even 2022 wedding season. So, you can move forward assuming your wedding will go ahead as it would have in 2019. Roshni and Nisha’s advice is to "Start with your budget, as all of your decisions will be based on this. Also, be honest about what is important to you. For example, Rosh and I will happily fork out for great food, but neither of us is particularly into fashion."

Take Your Time

Don't feel you need to rush into a decision, and pick the first choice you find! For example, take your time finding the perfect venue. For Nisha and Roshni, this meant finding a venue that reflected both their personalities. "We saw about 10 venues, and the winner was the one we both walked into and said Wow!" Once they had the venue booked, they felt they could relax and move onto the fun stuff.

Choose What is Right for You

Make sure you know what you want your wedding to look like, so you can be relatively decisive when you talk to vendors and suppliers. Nisha and Roshni said: "This isn't the most conventional wedding, so we wanted suppliers who embraced us as people. Our ceremony was a key thing to us, and was our chance to show everyone a piece of us. We'd decided early on that we didn't want a religious ceremony, but we both consider ourselves spiritual. A celebrant was a perfect choice! In Sonal Dave, we found someone who can speak the languages of our community, understand the religious and spiritual backgrounds, and has the personality to bring life into our big moment."; By choosing a celebrant, Nisha and Roshni were able to create a wedding that was personalised to their love story.


For their final piece of advice, Roshni and Nisha said, "Communicate! If you’re worried or stressed about something, chances are your partner is as well. The best way to tackle it is together."

With recent lockdown easing, we hope that Nisha and Roshni's August wedding dreams will be able to become reality! Thank you to Sonal Dave for sharing Nisha and Roshni’s story and excellent advice!

Cat Arnott

About the author

Cat Arnott

With a Masters degree in History, Cat is the best person to consult if you need wedding facts and information fast. Her passion for weddings has led to her having a broad and up to date knowledge of trends and traditions and she is here to research on your behalf to find the answer to any wedding related problem.

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